“Study Abroad” means just that. All foreign exchange students in Rotary International’s Long Term Exchange Program (LTEP) are required to attend high school while on exchange. Eligible students who have just graduated from high school and going on exchange during their gap year are still required to attend high school full time in their assigned foreign country – it’s a mandatory part of the cultural immersion.
The long term exchange program usually lasts one academic year, during which you attend school and live with 2 – 3 families in your host country. This is Rotary International’s flagship exchange program. To gain a greater understanding of the culture, you will live with at least two host families during your stay. To ensure your safety, the host Rotary club carefully screens and selects all host families. Additionally, the local host Rotary club pays you a monthly stipend and assigns a dedicated counselor to help you get the most out of your exchange.
Studying abroad as a high school foreign exchange student is an immersion into the culture of another country. The challenges are great, but so are the benefits. Why participate in our exchange program?
Students reap many rewards from an exchange experience, including:
- Serving as an ambassador for their country and community
- Benefiting from immersion in another culture while adapting to a new way of life
- Making lifelong friends, not only within the host country but also with other exchange students from around the world
- Learning about the practices and accomplishments of people in other countries
- Returning home with a greater sense of the world and a deeper understanding of themselves and their culture
- Assuming leadership roles shaped by lessons from the experience
- Building memories that will be with them forever
Program Costs
We are the lowest cost student exchange program, period! The program is completely administered by volunteer Rotary club members, keeping program expenses low. Costs vary depending on the district and country where the exchange occurs, so contact your local club or district for specific information. Typically, students and their
Parents or guardians are expected to cover the following expenses:

Scholarship covers room, board, tuition, and a monthly stipend – valued over $24,000.